Testosterone ELISA kit I Fast I Serum & plasma

Ref: AA-E-1300
Diagnostic ELISA kits (IVD)Research ELISA kits (RUO)ELISAEndocrinology
DatasheetMSDSProtocol (RUO)Protocol (IVD)

This ELISA kit enables the quantitative measurement of Testosterone in serum and plasma samples to evaluate endocrine functions, reproductive health, and in the context of behavioral and metabolic conditions. Intended for in vitro diagnostics and research applications, the test comes in 96-well plate format, allowing the screening of large experimental series within short lead times.


Sample type Serum & Plasma
Capacity 96 tests
Sensitivity 0.083 ng/mL
Range 0/0.2 – 16 ng/mL
Assay time  75 min
Reactivity Reacts with all species

1 x 96 wells

Regulatory status

In Vitro Diagnostics (EU), Research Use Only




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Product name Testosterone ELISA
Description In vitro diagnostics / Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Testosterone in serum & plasma samples
Labels IVD (EU only) or RUO, CE
Format 96-well plate
Samples serum or plasma
Sample volume 25µL
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Standard range 0/0.2 – 16 ng/mL
Sensitivity 0.083 ng/mL
Specificity No significant cross-reactivity was observed with Testosterone analogs such as DHT, 5α-Dihydrotestosterone, Androstenedione, …
Assay time 75 min

Product storage Store at 2-8°C for up to 6 months
Sample collection & storage Serum/Plasma: Store samples at 2-8°C for up to 48h or -20°C for longer period (up to 6 months).
Sample preparation Enzymatic conjugation (60 min)
ELISA Incubation, revelation and read steps (15min)
Detailed protocol IVD: Download instructions for use

RUO: Download instructions for use